Transformative clinical supervision

Posted on April 12, 2024

Fran Vertue, Jason Northover, Liz Waugh
17, 18 and 19 June 2024 (2.5 days)

This is an advanced workshop on individual supervision. It is designed for psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers and other mental health professionals with experience of individual clinical supervision in any contexts including private practice, health, NGOs, and forensic settings. The programme includes didactic teaching, demonstrations, and opportunities to practice, utilising a “hear one, see one, do one” pedagogy. You will take away theoretical understanding and practical skills that you can readily apply to your supervision practice.

Themes covered include:
• Supervision through multicultural lenses
• Ethical issues in supervision
• A Supervisor’s Toolkit including:
o Reflective practice methods
o Providing corrective and affirmative feedback
o Cross-professional / cross-role supervision
o How do I know I’m doing a good enough job?
o Workload management

WORKSHOP 2: Supervision through a complaint process
19 June 2024 1 – 4.30 pm
Fran Vertue

We all dread the possibility of a complaint, and our first response is often to turn to our supervisor for help. However, as supervisors, we may be unsure how best to support our supervisees. This seminar, led by Fran, will focus on what psychologists have experienced in supervision when a complaint has been made about their work, and how supervisors can best assist their supervisees through the process. Fran will present the data from a research project she has conducted with supervisees and supervisors who have been involved in a complaint process.

Dr Fran Vertue is a clinical psychologist in private practice. Her experience includes the development and delivery of supervision training to mental health practitioners around New Zealand; developing a supervision practice model and the Supervision Competency within the Department of Corrections; and a broad individual and group supervision practice across a number of professions. Fran is an experienced presenter with a commitment to informative and engaging workshops.

Jason Northover (Ngāti Porou Ngāti Kahungunu) works as a Kaupapa Māori Clinical Educator within the School of Psychology Speech and Hearing at the University of Canterbury as well as a Senior Advisor Rehabilitation Programmes and Senior Advisor Kaupapa Māori Supervision within the Department of Corrections. He is the Managing Director of Kihirua Ltd providing cultural support, education programmes, workshops, and cultural supervision. Ka whāngaia, ka tupu, ka puāwai – nurturing cultural competence so your practice can blossom and grow.

Liz Waugh is a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist in private practice. She has extensive experience as a clinical supervisor, including training professionals to be effective supervisors and supervisees within NGOs, the Department of Corrections, and as the Director of the Psychology Centre, University of Canterbury. She brings her experience of cross disciplinary supervision with a range of professionals.

Workshop 1: Transformative supervision
Times: 17 June 2024: 9 – 5:00 pm; 18 June 8:30 – 5 pm; 19 June 8:30 – 12 pm
Registration is open at 8:30 for a 9am start on day 1
Fee: $950 includes full catering (including arrival tea and coffee) and a comprehensive workbook (no lunch is provided on day 3)
Numbers are strictly limited to optimise the workshop experience.

Workshop 2: Supervision through a complaint process
Time: 19 June 2024: 1 – 4:30 pm
Catering: Afternoon tea provided
Fee: Free to all psychologists (subsidised by the NZ Psychologists Board)
$30 fee for other professionals
Numbers are not limited (up to room capacity)

Venue: Both workshops will be held in the beautiful Matiu Room, Te Wharewaka, at the Wellington Function Centre

Location: Taranaki Wharf, 2 Taranaki Street, Waterfront, Wellington 6011
Taranaki Wharf is a two-minute walk from Te Papa or 5 minutes from the city centre

Please email for a registration form

Prepare to learn and be inspired!

See flyer here