Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) qualification

Advanced Clinical Practice qualification (PDF) (ACP) is for any clinical professional seeking to extend their thinking and enhance their clinical skills. Psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and others in the helping professions gain the capacity to understand and work with difficult and complex psychodynamics.

The training is provided via supervision with a Training Supervisor who guides the candidate through readings, seminars and concurrent trainings, as well as providing intensive supervision. There is an initial panel to determine suitability, and passing this panel grants Provisional Membership of NZAP and Interim Registration as a psychotherapist. The training culminates in assessment of written work, and a panel assessment, leading to membership of NZAP and entitlement to seek full registration as a psychotherapist.

The process is guided by the developmental needs of the individual candidate and may take up to five years.

This process is designed to develop professional competence and depth to the standard ordinarily demonstrated by a psychotherapy graduate with five years’ post-qualification experience. The ACP is recognised by PBANZ as equivalent to a Master’s Degree.

An application pack is obtainable from the Administrator and further details of the process can be seen on the ACP Flowchart (PDF).

Further details can be obtained from the Administrator.


Further documents:

ACP Handbook (PDF)

Dates for written and oral assessments 2022-23 (PDF)

Assessment Policy and Procedures (PDF)

ACP reading resource list (PDF)

ACP Supervisor List (PDF)

Supervision contracts:

Initial supervisor’s contract with ACP Committee (Word)

First Training Contract between an Advanced Clinical Practice Candidate – Full Member of NZAP – and their NZAP Primary Training Supervisor (Word)

First Training Contract between an Advanced Clinical Practice candidate and their Primary Training Supervisor (Word)

Annual Training Contract Between Provisional Member intending ACP and their primary Training Supervisor (Word)

Annual Training Contract between Full Member intending ACP and their NZAP Primary Training Supervisor (Word)