Schema therapy training and consultancy are now offered by an Aotearoa New Zealand provider.

Posted on May 7, 2024

Introducing Schema Therapy Training and Consulting (STTaC), the first provider of schema therapy services based here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Schema Therapy is an integrative therapy that helps clients learn how to get their psychological needs met in a healthy way. It involves emotional experiential work and cognitive strategies that lead to positive shifts in ways of thinking, feeling, coping and relating. It is particularly helpful for complex clients with, for example, trauma histories, attachment issues, substance abuse problems, eating disorders and so on.

STTAC offers the ISST certification workshops for both adult (see flyer) and child/adolescents schema therapy, as well as supervision and consultancy in schema therapy. The official ISST adult and child/adolescent schema therapy workshops will be held in New Zealand in September and October 2024 (see flyer).

Building on the foundations of schema therapy, STTaC also offers innovative and creative workshops, including going beyond standard imagery re-scripting work for complex cases, combining schema therapy with EMDR therapy and successfully combining sand-tray work with schema therapy for both adults and children.

For further details, please see our website or contact us at