Transactional Analysis Conference

Posted on June 6, 2024

November 2024—Wellington

Conference theme: Karangarua—Unity through diversity in relationship.

Join us in Wellington and be part of a transformative experience that bridges cultures and disciplines. At this international conference, we invite you to focus with us on whanaungatanga (relationships) and what happens when they are disrupted. Local and international speakers will lead us in an exploration of how transactional analysis can be used to help us build and maintain crucial relationships.

The conference will be preceded by an introductory TA101 course which will have a strong bicultural perspective (19th–20th November) and TA exams (also on 19th & 20th November). Early bird pricing applies until 30 June: $525NZD for TAAANZ
and $575NZD for non-members.

21st to 23rd November, Wellington,
Aotearoa New Zealand

Te Raukura, Taranaki Wharf

To register, go to the TAAANZ website:

See flyer here