Want to know more about training in Bioenergetic psychotherapy?

Posted on June 6, 2024

Please join us for a FREE, ONE-HOUR WEBINAR
Saturday 22nd June: 2 -3 pm


Sat 6 July Wellington. 9:30am – 4:30pm. $100.
Introduction to Bioenergetic Analysis: The Original Relational Somatic Psychotherapy

Sat 10 August Palmerston North. 9:30am – 4:30pm. $100.
Introduction to Bioenergetic Analysis: The Original Relational Somatic Psychotherapy

Sat 24 August Christchurch: 9:30am – 4:30pm. $100.
Introduction to Bioenergetic Analysis: The Original Relational Somatic Psychotherapy.

Sat 7 September Wellington. 9:30am – 4:30pm. $100
Supporting Clients in Knowing Who They Are and Feeling What They Feel.

All workshops register here

Psychotherapists, Psychologists Counsellors, Body Workers and Somatic Therapists—please join us to train in the original relational somatic psychotherapy—Bioenergetic Analysis, a modality grounded in a century of work beginning with Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen.

This programme will give you a rich, deep, satisfying four-year Bioenergetic training that will set you up for a lifetime of profound body + mind therapy work. It will include your own personal bioenergetic journey, along with a deep understanding of psychological healing and a rich experiential kete of tools for working with your clients. It will support you to work with both the mind and body at the deepest and most rigorous levels. Once certified, you will be qualified to register as a psychotherapist in Aotearoa New Zealand and able to take your place in an international community of Bioenergetic Therapists, with ongoing professional development opportunities available around the world.

Training Programme Dates: Feb 2025–29.
Applications close: 24 October, 2024.
Location: Wellington
Format: Three 5-day workshops and three weekend-workshops per year.
Participants are required to be doing personal bioenergetic therapy as a client while training.

PLEASE EMAIL: training@bioenergetics.org.nz

See flyer here
